Friday, October 14, 2011

Our Very Own Detroit Zoo!

Most people who live in Detroit or the suburbs of Detroit have been to our very own Detroit Zoo!  It has been over a year since I have been there (my boyfriend was joking one day and said he wants to go see the lions so I surprised him with a trip to the zoo that same week.  Let’s just say we spent over an hour just watching the Lions… they really are amazing!)  As I was younger I would visit the zoo multiple times on school field trips and now I still go there to (most of the time I am taking my younger cousins.)  I am trying to convince the pre-school I work at to set up a field trip to the zoo because I know the children would just love it!  The zoo makes everyone happy!  Seeing all these different animals you wouldn’t normally see is exciting.  Plus walking around the zoo on a nice day couldn’t sound any better.  Even during Halloween, the Detroit Zoo sets up a Trick or Treating even for families… we took my younger cousins a few years back and they loved it!  I am sad to say however, the elephants have been recently moved out of the Detroit Zoo and have been sent somewhere with a more bigger and suitable environment.  As long as the elephant are safe and more comfortable at their new location is all that matters, we will miss our big friendly mammals however!  The butterfly and penguin exhibits are one of my favorite things to see when visiting the Detroit Zoo.  If you have not been to this spectacular zoo, take a day off from your everyday busy life and visit this zoo… you won’t regret this day trip. - Image

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