Saturday, October 29, 2011


A night of entertainment and enjoyment… this is what you should expect when you visit our very own Greektown casino and resort.  This attraction is located right in downtown area.   Greektown is known for its’ magnificent restaurants as the food is what some people keep coming back for, well I  know that why I always tend to go back.  The other thing is I am still not 21 and therefore cannot gamble, which leads me to my other point… the casino!!!  Greektown is one of the major casinos located in the downtown area.  As weird as it sounds, well maybe to just me, my parents still go on somewhat “dates” to Greektown and enjoy a nice dinner and then entertain themselves at the casino.   This would be one of those“best of both worlds” type of attraction when it comes to taking someone on a date… since you have the dinner and the entertainment back to back with one another.  Greektown also provides its’ own hotel for those that want to “getaway”.  They can go downtown and enjoy their night and instead of going back home, they can enjoy a longer night out and then just go right upstairs to their room.  It should feel like they are really on a “mini type of getaway”.  Greektown casino also provides music and show entertainment for its’ guests.   Just remember the dining is available for anyone, but the casino only allows those who are 21 years old.

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