Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Village of Rochester Hills

Another outdoor mall full of enjoyment for all is actually on the other side of town, The Village of Rochester Hills!  This outdoor mall is actually a few minutes away from Oakland’s campus.  This mall also features many retail stores and restaurants.  And likewise, this outdoor mall like any other is filled with many dogs, (I think it is kind of cute how some retail stores hand out doggy treats for the dogs.)  What I do not think is cute (since I work in retail) is that the sensors count the dogs as clients which ends up affecting the store’s number of visits compared to the purchases (not in a good way since those dogs walking in and out do not purchase anything!).  Oh well I’m glad I work at Somerset where dogs can’t be counted.  The Village is a beautiful place to visit and have a shopping experience during the Holidays when all the lights are up.  The atmosphere feels very joyful with the snow and Christmas lights all around you.  I know I love it and I’m sure those that visit also do.  The Village is also considered the heart of Rochester Hills, which I think is very welcoming. If you like to shop or just walk around enjoying the scenery, The Village of Rochester Hills is a place to be at.

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