Saturday, November 12, 2011

Partridge Creek

An outside mall in Michigan?  No way, not with this bipolar weather... well actually this is only half true.  Yes, we all know Michigan's weather is very bipolar (it was freezing yesterday!  I could not feel my fingers as I walked across campus, yet today I hardly even kept my jacket on. Not to mention it snows one minute and is sunny the next within the same hour!)  Well back to what I was trying to say, we do have outdoor malls here in Michigan!  One of these malls happens to be The Mall of Partridge Creek.  This mall is full of stores you can walk in and out of and feel like your shopping in a mall that would be somewhere in California!  Well in the summer it may feel like this, yet in the winter you walk out to burr!!!! But Partridge Creek is still a delight, not only are there stores, there is also a theater and many restaurants that you can enjoy!  I love it most in the summer when the fountains are working and families are sitting around them and all you see is kids running in and out of the water, everyone is just so happy!  There are also the dogs that are also very fun to look at, well the little cute ones… the big ones  I have a tendency to walk the other way.  Partridge Creek is located in Clinton Township right on M-59 past Garfield (Near Macomb Community College Center Campus, to those that are familiar with this this institution).  Partridge Creek has not been opened for very long as it was opened in 2007!  Yet, this mall is full of fun and great excitement for everyone to visit and enjoy. 

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