Sunday, November 27, 2011

Campus Martius Downtown Outdoor Ice Skating Rink

Now for an attraction we can do for this time of the year would be ice skating!  And of course, the best way for someone to ice skate would be to ice skate outdoors!  Here in our downtown area we have an Outdoor Ice skating rink.  Ice skating can be tricky, but it a lot of fun even if you are not so good at it.  The outdoor scenery is the best part!  You feel the actual coldness and you see the snow falling or on the ground (if you go on an appropriate day).  You can a great time when you go with a group of friends or even on a date.  There is always someone skating around with flowers, so if you get lucky someone can buy you a rose and hand it to you while you ice skate.  This attraction is a good social and fun attraction to visit.  You come across meeting a lot of people who are also there to have fun.  The nice part is that it is downtown so once you’re done ice skating you can go out for a nice dinner.  There is actually a Big Rock Cafe right next door, and let me just say this place has amazing burgers!  This time of the year is the perfect time to visit this attraction. 


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