Friday, September 30, 2011

The Detroit Science Center

The Detroit Science Center is also in Midtown Detroit.   This location provides historic information involving the works of science.  This is also a place where many schools take their students on field trips.  I went to the Detroit Science Center as a student and I also have been there recently as a teacher assistant with the students at the preschool I currently work at.  The Detroit Science Center not only has a variety of science exhibits and experiments, but also has a Dinosaur exhibit as well.  Let me just tell you, this exhibit looks and feels real… It’s amazing.  You will learn a lot about the history of science if you visit the Detroit Science Center.  Each area not only has an information panel, it also has hands on experiments and examples.  Children and adults will end up loving this science center as science is for anyone of any age.  Just as you cannot put a limit on science, you cannot put a limit on whom or how many times a person can visit this attraction.  The Detroit Science Center also provides an IMAX theater which plays movies and shows that entertain the guests.  The center also provides different types of programs that many children will enjoy.  The Detroit Science Center is a great place to visit, as this attraction will also provide you with a good time and an excellent learning experience. - Image

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